MLB Replica Jerseys & Uniforms / All Star Uniforms
Dugout Sports MLB Replica Jerseys & Uniforms
Dugout Sports is a major producer of Little League Major League Baseball MLB Replica Jerseys, Uniforms, and Caps. We are a preferred vendor by Nike for the MLB Replica Jerseys as well as Outdoor Cap for the MLB Replica hats. Because of the volume of our replica business, we get the best pricing in the industry and we are able to pass that savings on to your league.
All MLB Replica jerseys are produced in-house. Not only do we produce the uniforms but we also sort and box each team of your league separately. So when you receive your uniforms from us they are boxed with hats, jerseys, belts, socks, pants or whatever items your league provides for each team. The box is labeled with your league name, the team name and division in the league as well as all the contents of the box. Everything will be included in the box so all your league representative has to do is hand the box over to the coach or team parent and your process is done no sorting or bagging on your end.
Over the past 15 years we have developed a proven process to generate accurate uniforms in a timely manner and that makes the life of your league president and uniform coordinator a little easier.
Dugout Sports All Star Uniforms
An addition to our league replica jerseys business, when the All Star season comes around we are also able to help your league with your All Star uniform and hat needs as well. This is always a quick turnaround time from announcing All Stars to when the teams start playing so let our experience help navigate you through this busy time.
For help with League Replica Jerseys & Uniforms or All Star Uniforms please contact our sales department.
“Little League baseball is a very good thing because it keeps the parents off the streets.” – Yogi Berra
"Dugout Sports is a provider of baseball softball equipment as well as team uniforms. We have an expert staff that is fanatical about taking care of our customers. In addition to the baseball softball uniforms we have our own in house screen printing equipment and service many corporate customers for their screen printing and embroidery needs."
Tim Dutton - Owner